Boutique Bobak

Boutique Bobak er nu åbnet.

Gå ind og kig, det er ganske gratis. Foreløbig finder du et lille uddrag af mine håndarbejder og bøger, men planen er, at der kommer mere de kommende dage.

Du kan betale med mobilpay og priserne er incl. porto.

Jeg håber, at der bliver taget godt imod min lille Boutique. 🙂

Broche, bomuld med stofknap. 4,5cm. Tråd og lille sikkerhedsnål medfølger. 35kr incl porto. 3,50 Euro, ask for freight


Boutique Bobak is open.

Take a look, it is for free. For the moment you will find a small selection of crafts and my books, but the plan is more to come in the future days.

You can pay with mobilePay or money transfer. Ask for account number. The prices in Danish are including freight. If you live abroad, ask for freight-price.

I hope my little Boutique will well received. 🙂

Broche, bomuld med stofknap. 4,5cm Tråd og lille sikkerhedsnål medfølger. 35kr incl porto. 3,50 Euro, ask for freight.

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